Tuesday 5 August 2008

Optical Motion Capture - Most fun you'll have dressed in Lycra

Uni work is usually a bitch, but sometimes you get a module that is fun throughout. One such module is Optical Motion Capture using the Vicon 8 system set up at the University by RARE. Yes that RARE.

Tip o' the flying barrel to my teammate Binnsy01 for the video.

For the module we were given two keywords that gave us our inspiration. We got "Anxious" and "Donkey Kong". Not the best combination but we went with it. What we decided on in the end was our good friend Donkey throwing a barrel, going to throw another and have it explode above him. The next time he goes for a barrel he's anxious in case it explodes like the last one. Simple right?

Anyway, I chose to be the actor and donned the Lycra. It has to be one of the strangest and most fun moments of my Uni course. Seeing myself as white dots on a monitor moving in real time was awesome.

After recording all the takes it was time to clean the data. This was a bitch, but after getting the hang of it I couldn't stop. We divided the takes up between the three of us but I ended up cleaning all of them just for jollies and that's how it ended up. I think it looks pretty good.

What do you think?

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