Tuesday 8 June 2010

Actual Portfolio Work

Now that I'm out of university, I have begun work on an actual portfolio project.

For this project I will be designing and creating a lot of 3D game assets for an original game idea, which will all be imported into the Unreal 3 Engine and put into custom maps. The end product should be several maps in Unreal that are truly custom maps with little to no pre-made assets. This includes things such as terrain textures and skybox textures.

I began modelling some things last Friday, here are some progress pictures:

The first level for the game is set on Mercury, where a very small colony of humans live.

Top left: A small waste silo
Top right: A very large power station/terraform plant
Middle left: Three different size solar panels
Middle right: An outside hangar for vehicles
Bottom left: A large hangar ~300m long
Bottom right: A large waste silo