Saturday 30 August 2008

Portal's Edge - Mirror's Edge E3 Demo recreated in Portal

I saw the E3 demo level for Mirror's Edge and I was blown away by it. I thought it would be a fun idea to try and recreate the level in Hammer using the Portal configuration.

I got about halfway finished with it and posted a video of it on Youtube:

Much to my surprise it got featured on Kotaku, which then helped it spread to other games websites. A week after posting the video it had about 200 views. As soon as Kotaku picked it up, it went up by 60,000 views in a couple of days.

This new-found popularity spurred me to complete the first section of the map, which I duly did and posted another video to Youtube:

This one's not as popular, but still good to have it there. The video says stage 1/3 which is wrong, there will only be two stages.


Anonymous said...

could you possibly upload the map so others could try it out?
There are lots of good portal map uploading sites like

Anonymous said...

Plz upload

Anonymous said...

When we can expect final version and where can we download it?

Anonymous said...

you have to upload this somewhere!!! please!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh wooow~ I really want to use this map! Can you please upload it somewhere? Pleeeease?

JJ's Stuff said...

please upload it!