Saturday 2 October 2010


I've started to model a footballer for no particular reason. It's going to be relatively low poly, with most of the detail in the cloth done through normal maps made in Mudbox.

Here's a WIP

Update: Hands have been done. They've sort of come off as a bit of a caricature style, so I think I'll stick with that theme.

Friday 1 October 2010

Honda Civic Type-R

I started to model another car. I've not done much on it so far, but it's taking shape nicely.

Wednesday 11 August 2010


Just got done modelling and texturing a Concorde.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Actual Portfolio Work

Now that I'm out of university, I have begun work on an actual portfolio project.

For this project I will be designing and creating a lot of 3D game assets for an original game idea, which will all be imported into the Unreal 3 Engine and put into custom maps. The end product should be several maps in Unreal that are truly custom maps with little to no pre-made assets. This includes things such as terrain textures and skybox textures.

I began modelling some things last Friday, here are some progress pictures:

The first level for the game is set on Mercury, where a very small colony of humans live.

Top left: A small waste silo
Top right: A very large power station/terraform plant
Middle left: Three different size solar panels
Middle right: An outside hangar for vehicles
Bottom left: A large hangar ~300m long
Bottom right: A large waste silo

Friday 30 April 2010

Bored... feeling my inner nerd welling up inside me.

For jollies I've made a vid of me with a lightsabre in After Effects. Quality is poor because it's from my phone camera LOL

I've turned to the darkside

Sunday 4 April 2010

Cutscene nearly finished

Bugfixes and better keyframing, then it's done!

Monday 22 March 2010


Oh how I've missed you, Matinee!

To be quite honest, I'm enjoying it a lot.

Update: Some screens of it running in game WIP

Friday 19 March 2010

Motion Capture in Unreal Editor

All animations are in Unreal in a custom package.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Motion Capture on Unreal Rig

After a ceaseless day of toil, I managed to get my raw .c3d files into Motionbuilder, cleaned up and onto the Unreal rig.

The motions were performed by me at my University's motion capture studio. This is just one motion where a character is talking to another character.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Mercenary for hire

Another character creation module. Advanced modelling for games engines this time and we have to make a character that can be imported into UT3 and used as a player character.

My character is a modern day mercenary.

I've begun to model his flak jacket. After this, will probably come his arms, then his legs and finally his head.


Upper arms and undershirt done


Added the proper muscle definition to his upper arms and begun to model his forearms.

Update: Arms down to wrist, legs, boots and knife

Update: Hands done.

Update: Head done and rigged to the UT skeleton. His shoulders are a bit wider than hey should be to fit he UT rig, which is a bit naff.

Update: Began texturing today. Major drag.

Update: Began texturing the torso and arms today. I started using Mudbox's photoshop exporter, but figured that wasn't great for doing the hands, so I created the texture map in Photoshop the bog standard way.

Update: Sculpted, textured, needs specular.