Tuesday 8 December 2009

Gotham Model Sheet

I needed one, so I made one.

Monday 7 December 2009

Handheld final model sheets

I've modelled, textured and rigged my characters and made a model sheet for each.


I've just done a quick mock up of both characters in game situations on a PSP

I love Igor.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Gotham: Done

I've finished all the texturing and object placement, finally. Now it's time to get it into an engine!

Friday 13 November 2009

Gotham Environment Update

I began texturing the first of the three buildings today. I've managed to complete it before the day was out, which was nice.

I find texturing to be eminently more fun when working from reference pictures, as my artistic talent is incredibly lacking.

Thursday 12 November 2009

Angry Rugby player

Another handheld character. This time it's a positively fuming rugby player. Kit is a vague representation of the Warrington Wolves kit.

Update: The face is god awful, so I changed it to a cartoony face.

Another update: Changed the model so it's sleeveless. Much better.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

More University Work: Project Gotham Environment

This is the second task given to us for Advanced Modeling. I chose to do the environment challenge where we have to create a small row of buildings from reference pictures to go beside a street course in a racing game. These buildings have already been featured in Project Gotham Racing 3 so it's a good way of comparing my work to professional work.

Apparently it took the artist 5 days to complete the buildings. Luckily I have about 6 weeks.

This is what I have so far. Approximately 2,000 triangles from a limit of 10,000.

Update: another building added, and some street objects. Roughly 2,500 triangles now.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Igor, have you watered the brains today?

Low polygon model for a handheld game of the mad scientist's loyal servant, IGOR!


Igor has a texture!

912 Triangles
256 x 256 8-bit texture

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Aston Martin DBR9: Diffuse Texture

The DBR9 with a really awful diffuse texture on it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go put my hands in some warm water to stave off frostbite.

Update: Specular map applied, fancy model sheet:

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Update: Aston Martin DBR9

I've finished the model, it's at 1498 polys including the wheels and spoiler. There was misunderstanding about polys/tris and it turns out I had 1500 polys rather than tris to work with.

Now to unwrapping...

Saturday 3 October 2009

Low poly work for handheld gaming

Another of my modules is modelling for handheld games. Our first weeks task was to create a desk and stool in under 750 tri's and then texture it. The catch being that we couldn't use reference images for the textures, they had to be all hand made... on a computer.

As you can see, it's god damn awesome.

The second task was to create a metallic owl from a reference picture in under 500 tri's.

Not too shabby, but just slightly over the tri limit

Very Low Poly Aston Martin DBR9

Back at uni, YAY!

Or maybe NOOOO! In any case, I have a module called Advanced Modelling Portfolio, which tasks us with advanced modelling techniques.

The first task I chose was to model an entire Aston martin DBR9 racing car in under 1500 tri's. Currently I'm failing miserably, but it's not looking too bad

It's leveling out at 3000 tri's, which is double my limit. Also, it's looking a bit weird as it doesn't have any headlights yet.